tiered tray

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Product item: f23d125da1e29e34c552f448610ff25f,Doll House with tree, UNFINISHED, price: 45, regular price: 45, qty: 1
Product item: 149815eb972b3c370dee3b89d645ae14,Namaste Tiered Tray set, UNFINISHED, price: 25, regular price: 25, qty: 2
Product item: 0e4f5cc9f4f3f7f1651a6b9f9214e5b1,Gumball Valentine Cutout , unfinished, price: 3.75, regular price: 3.75, qty: 1
Value of the items: 98.75
Shipping Discount: 98.75
Final Shipping Discount: 98.75